Atrial Fibrillation Clinic at VGH

The Atrial Fibrillation Clinic at Vancouver General Hospital Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre offers a specialized short-term pathway for patients with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, with close monitoring of their condition. It is a multidisciplinary clinic, where a patient will be seen by a Pharmacist, Registered Nurse, and a Cardiologist. Patients may have follow-up appointments with the Nurse Practitioner. Patients can be referred for ‘Education Only’, where they are offered a group session, where they receive information about AF/AFL-management, treatment options, and lifestyle recommendations.
Phone: 604-875-4111 ext. 22942
Fax this completed regional referral form to: 604-875-5806
Vancouver General Hospital Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 9th floor
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
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