The documents on this page should provide you with all the information and materials you need regarding the Mentoring Program. However, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Dr. Andrew Krahn and Dr. Krish Ramanathan – Co-Directors, Mentoring Program
(E): akrahn@ubc.ca
(E): kramanathan@providencehealth.bc.ca
Marilyn Robertson – UBC Cardiology Administrator and Program Manager
(E): marilyn.robertson@vch.ca
Mentoring Documents
Academic Deliverables for Full Time Faculty
Confidential Record of Mentorship Meeting
DoM Formal Educational Activities
DoM SPROT Policy
Early Faculty Mentoring Program Handbook
Guide for Mentees
Guide for Mentors
GROW Model Record of Mentoring Meeting Form
Mentoring Agreement Form
Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments